Jan 29, 2016

Anatomy of an Internet of Things Use Case

Use cases are an effective tool to describe how a solution concept will function to meet a user requirement and produce the desired outcomes. These days, Internet of Things (or IoT) use cases are everywhere, created to describe applications in different domains such as health care, retail, energy, logistics, transportation, cities and so on.

While there are numerous IoT use cases propagated everywhere, one wonders sometimes if various definitions are getting mixed up. When do RFID tracking solution or a personal fitness sensor become an IoT solution? What are the essential requirements of an IoT solution architecture?  And conversely, what user requirements does an IoT solution fulfil?

This article tries to understand the what constitutes an IoT use case.

The poster below is a lengthy use case diagram using Unified Modelling Language (or UML) to illustrate a generic IoT use case. The domain in this example is a smart home.  
A smart home device use case for Internet of Things (IoT)

For those not familiar with the UML notification, a use case diagram is a visual model used to develop business requirements. The diagram consists of actors (humans, systems) and use cases which are actions taken in response to input from actors. A thorough use case in requirement analysis consists of stakeholders, actions, responses, conditions, extensions (additional steps based on conditions), inclusions and so on.

For purposes of this discussion, the use case diagram is fairly straightforward consisting of actors and high level use cases under scope of an actor. Further this is a so called “happy path”, meaning an ideal world where every actor has a specific role, co-operates with one another, all connections and data are secure, and nothing goes wrong. Like a good use case, the description is non-technical and does not depict any system or technology.

And as a concluding disclaimer, this depiction is a conceptual representation only showing the actors that would need to come together to meet requirements of an IoT solution.  The goal is to understand through a use case model, the scope and boundaries of an IoT application and those of various components involved.  

Moving on to the example, the diagram shows a use case blueprint for a smart home. Instead of a single device, this illustration depicts a group of diverse appliances, which operate on a single home network. These devices are able to interface with a central application or controller that can manage them which is more a typical scenario (there is a proliferation of apps that are trying to solve the basket of remotes problem in consumer IoT by managing many home appliances through a single interface).

As the diagram shows, five actors interact with one another in the solution. The main (in true use case world only actor) is the human end user who installs and operates the solution to meet their specific requirement (dim lights, turn on heating, open doors, make coffee etc.). The other four are discrete constituent systems that deliver separate capabilities. 

Location is a key factor in IoT. The physical pervasive devices have a geo-location and a local network (or home bus) in proximity. The remaining actors – cloud, app and human owner/operator are location agnostic and can be located anywhere and connected via the Internet. 

Let us take a closer look at the different actors and their respective use cases.

Smart Device

The smart device provides the actual function with added intelligence for automation and learning. The device takes action when an input is received (e.g. turn lights on) or triggers an event (such as a door sensor signalling attempt to force entry). 

Next, the device has to report this information. It does so by discovering a local router which can receive and send messages by a short range wireless protocol such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi or ZigBee. The smart device is earlier on boarded on the local network and it identifies and establishes a connection. 

An important factor required for meaningful communication is semantics which means there is some object level identification (device signalling it is a light bulb and not a thermostat) and thereby a context to the information sent.  A semantic model comes into play so that the message is given in its correct context e.g. temperature range for a fridge has different meaning from that of a thermostat, so it is important that the source is also known.

Finally, the smart device also listens to and responds to feedback and takes the necessary action (e.g. dim lights, heat on, lock door).

 Local Network 

A short range localized network is used to detect signal and data from multiple devices and route it, similar to an air traffic controller. This can be the home Wi-Fi router, device router or in some cases, if multiple client appliances belong to the same collaborative network (such as the AllJoynTM router service), a separate router which connects client devices on a bus and directs information via a single channel. The router then connects to the Internet gateway and connects to the cloud (via wired broadband, wireless 4G LTE etc.).


Apps refer to mobile apps installable on different platforms or web applications and can thus be accessed from anywhere. The application or app presents a user interface enabling remote management of connected devices. Apps are used to configure or on board a device and give it its virtual ‘avatar’ on installation. Apps provide a notifications and deliver dashboards on insights, with an underlying design to provide an intuitive and seamless user experience. 

Cloud (or IoT platform in cloud)

The cloud hosts the IoT platform that manages and acts on the digital inputs. The IoT platform in the cloud delivers core computing and storage capabilities. It manages the user accounts and ownership of information and stores data, configuration and preferences. Device information received can be integrated or analyzed with aggregated information from external sources (weather updates, emergency notifications, energy consumption). The cloud platform performs processing and analytics to transform machine communications into actionable and meaningful insights. It then presents this information to different channels such as mobile apps as per user preferences.

End User

The end user is the human actor who is using the connected ecosystem to meet their person(alized) requirements. In this diagram the human role is given a system like interpretation, simply to depict where human interaction/intervention is needed. As shown, a human (possibly a robot butler in the not too distant future) sets-up the various connected components and once this is done, manages everything remotely. 

Of course real life is slightly more complex. 

In Summary

A good approach is to define the use case the way it was intended in UML i.e. to elicit user needs and expectations of how a system would behave. This can be applied to potential requirements for consumers and industry. For example, what are the situations today in healthcare where it would be imperative to get information in real time, over a localized network (e.g. bio-hazard areas)? What kind of analytics can be produced (e.g. traffic patterns based on weather or public events)? Where is location an imperative and where it is not. 

By connecting these requirements, an IoT application should emerge as the solution.

Jan 25, 2016

A Starter Guide to the Internet of Things: Part 3

This is the third in the series “Starter Guide to IoT”. If you have not done so already and would like to being at the start, check out an Overiew of IoT in Part 1 and IoT Technologies and Issues in Part 2.

Part 3 looks at the roadmap for IoT in the next five years.

What to expect from IoT by 2020

At the start of 2016, experts are divided on 2016 being the breakout year for IOT versus continuation of the same old issues and both camps may be right. After all, thousands of consumer wearables are being shipped daily, building automation solutions being integrated in multi-million construction projects. and efforts to collaborate, standardize and capitalize on IoT will gain momentum this year.

On the other hands, there may not be an explosive growth in new solutions as big and smaller players focus on product development, integration and industry applications.

IoT growth predictions till 2025 or the next decade are in the range of billions of solutions having a trillion dollar impact on the economy.

There are three distinct streams of efforts with increasing traction for IOT.

1. Scenarios for IOT applications

The current state of development is centered around identifying use cases for the next breakthrough IoT solution with a veritable arms race between competing technology companies, start-ups and businesses. 2016 is focused on furthering design and innovation with frameworks such as hackathons, academia and research partnerships sponsored by private technology giants, and incubation of start-ups. 

Government bodies are exploring the potentials and implications of smart cities. ITU, the United Nations agency that works to enable seamless ICT communications across the globe, has long established a Global Standards Initiative for IoT. GSI established a special study group in 2015 on IoT and its applications including smart cities and communities.

2. Standards and Architecture

One of the widely cited reasons for the slow growth of IoT is the lack of a uniform over-arching standards or a governing body that steer what is really global endeavour. While a universal framework may not appear soon, various industry and technology consortia have started investing in collaborative efforts to design standards specific to their scope.

Efforts are growing at multi-national, technology neutral/agnostic bodies and industry focus group levels. Computing hardware makers Intel, Samsung and Dell are among the founding members of Open Interconnect Consortium (OIC), creating open specifications for IoT applications. OIC is sponsoring the IoTivity project an open source software framework for cross platform device connectivity. The ZigBee Alliance that drives development of the ZigBee wireless standard  is working with the Thread Group on an end-to-end applications for IP-based IoT networks.  Object Management Group (OMG) has launched the Industrial Internet Consortium in 2015.  ISO and IEEE, are working on separate initiative to create reference architecture, frameworks and standards for IoT. 

3. Platforms and Solutions

Technology innovators and giants Google, Apple, Intel are leading the way in creating robust platforms for developers to roll out IoT solutions. On the other hand, proprietary solution providers and industry consortia are coming together to create solutions based on their protocols for industrial internet, smart grid and home automation among other.

The 2016 Consumer Electronics show was anticipated to be a showcase for many new IoT solutions. While many are in in the laboratory, new commercial applications appear almost every day in the smart mobile devices, home appliances, transportation, health and wearable technology areas. With 20-30 billion devices predicted to be on the connected ecosystem in five years, these verticals are bound to become synonymous with IOT in this decade.

IoT vision represented by the partly illuminated sphere. IoT can be a global reality by 2020.
The vision of IoT is coming to life slowly and can become a reality by 2020
There you have it, a starter guide that attempted to cover all about of the IoT trend. One can hope the optimistic predictions come true and the Internet of Things transforms the way we work, live and communicate across the globe.

A Starter Guide to the Internet of Things: Part 2

This is the second post in the three part series on the Starter Guide to IoT. Read the first part of this article here.

The essential technologies for IoT

A blueprint of an IoT solution is made up of many components, such as devices, sensors, M2M communication, transport across wireless local networks to Internet gateways, cloud computing and aggregation platforms and so on.

A domotics or home automation solution conceptual architecture diagram showing how device IP, cloud and mobile applications interact to deliver an IoT solution.

Illustration of how an Internet enabled thermostat such as Nest Learning Thermostat© works. The underlying technology combines several open standards with Nest’s proprietary standards and algorithms. The solution uses the Wi-Fi 802 protocols to connect with home wi-fi, a cross-platform mobile and web apps allow account management and remote control while cloud services to store data. The solution also uses proprietary communication protocol Nest Weave to let devices talk directly to one another. A full list of technical requirements is listed on the Nest website.

The enabling technologies for IOT can be categorized into three broad layers:

 Network Communications

These cover the entire spectrum of data communication across personal area networks, short range wifi, LAN, WAN and onward. RFID enabled sensors, short range wi-fi communications using Bluetooth or ZigBee, 4G/5G mobile wireless LTE that enable connectivity between sensors to wireless LAN and gateways to WAN to the Internet TCP/IP backbone.

Interface Protocols

These are the group of various software integration and messaging protocols that allow creation of interfaces across devices, services and applications. Examples of this include XMPP (Extended Messaging and Presence) protocol used in near-real time communications and telepresence technologies, COAP (Constrained Application Protocol) for simple communication between  electronic devices over the Internet, RESTful API for  communications across web applications and MQTT (Message Queue Telemetry Transport), a message protocol for lightweight M2M communications.


This includes the myriad of hardware, software, development and application platforms, cloud brokers and computing platforms that can be used to build and deliver IoT applications.

Postscape, a research firm dedicated to covering IoT has a comprehensive list of enabling technologies on their website.

Issues facing the growth of Internet of Things 

The current issues being debated about IoT are largely around living up to its market hype,  the technical and economic feasibility of practical applications at large scale, and the level of collaboration needed to create a smart connected ecosystem that goes beyond localized home or industrial solutions.

Convergence of standards and lack of a universal standard is a concern for development of IoT. Security vulnerabilities are another major concern as having a high risk for IoT applications.

Convergence on global standards and security fears are the major issues in way of consumerization of IoT

Threat to Security, Privacy and Freedom

Security is consistently stated as the major concern in enabling IoT especially when it comes to designing for a smart grid. The Internet of Things is drawing attention of governments as the threat of digital warfare  especially on the industrial Internet,  has the potential to  cause human and environmental catastrophes. Further, individual right to privacy, security and freedom can just as easily be digitally compromised, even if starting with monitoring user behaviour for commercial profit. IOT security is a  whole industry devoted exclusively to address this concern and is estimated to grow at the same rate.


While there are some break-through standards which make IoT a reality, there is a large diversity of devices and their applications depending on the field in which they operate. Multiply this with the heterogeneity of standards, protocols, software and hardware platforms and the sustained effort needed to create a semantic web, there are several years of hard work ahead. One of the challenges is breaking down the scope of IoT which is likely to fragment platforms and standards as IoT evolves across different industry verticals in the coming decade.


Consumer attention in Internet of Things is drawn to portable devices for millennials creating the mass appeal and excitement for the concept to expand. As start-ups emerge with new solutions by the day, the engineering and architecture quality attributes of these offerings will get tested in new ways in the real world. Imagine a smart home short circuiting in a fire and locking down entry for emergency responders? Or a jammed freeway of driverless cars in a snowstorm? As applications grow bigger and more complex, the solutions may be less obvious and the ability to handle all exceptions can create economic and legal minefields for businesses.


Is a connected planet a sustainable planet? The rapid rate of technical obsolescence of smart consumer devices has implications today with resources required for manufacture, disposal and portability of data. The lifetime costs for upgrades and replacements, ensuring digital security, and perceived complexity deter many in the consumer market today. The same will apply on a larger scale to enterprise and public investments. 

In the concluding post on the Starter Guide, we look at What to expect from IoT in the next five years.

A Starter Guide to the Internet of Things: Part 1

Pervasive objects in everyday life that are now a part of Internet of Everything or IoT
IoT or Internet of Things is increasingly becoming a part of everyday life at home, in businesses and public infrastructure

Make way for IoT, the abbreviated form of “Internet of Things” that everyone is talking about in 2016. The IoT is a twenty year old idea whose time, say experts, has come. With the explosive growth of smart technology into embedded devices, connected devices and, advances in broadband mobile and wireless communications, a big part of the world is getting ready to be part of an “always on”, intelligent, smart network.

As efforts to explore the possibilities and outcomes of IoT evolution gain momentum worldwide, it seems fitting to kick-off this topic with a quick, though somewhat lengthy overview.

Defining the ‘Internet of Things’

The term “Internet of Things” can be best explained by taking it at its literal meaning.  Beyond this generic sounding and deceptively simple expression, lies is a complex global infrastructure that unites billions of micro-devices, aggregates massive data streams and integrates hundreds of hardware, software and communications technologies and standards.

Although the concept of ubiquitous computing was introduced in the early nineties, and the term coined by Kevin Aston in 1999, efforts to create a formal definition have started recently, including that from IEEE in 2015. IoT has been variously described as a vision, a concept, a plan and a technology through its evolution.

The general description that is conveyed in almost every definition is: "The Internet of Things is a global information network consisting of physical pervasive objects which can uniquely identify themselves and interact of the Internet."

The Internet backbone of IoT 

The twenty five year old Internet which originally connected computers for information processing by humans has grown to accommodate mobile devices, consumer electronics such as watches, TVs and industrial devices. Device capabilities have become “smarter” i.e. they can communicate with one another, share data, analyse information in real time and take actions without human intervention, through machine to machine or M2M communication. 

A device on the Internet has a unique identifier and an address which is used by the Internet Protocol (IP) to route traffic across the net. The original IP v4 version handled 32 bit addresses which could provide up to 4.2 billion addresses. With 1.5 billion smart phones shipped in 2015 and 6.4 billion connected devices by 2020, IP addressing obviously falls short. IP v6 is designed to handle 128 bit addresses which scales up to a very large 3.403 x 1038 and believed to be more than anyone will ever need (on this planet).

Things that make up the IoT 

Apart from the original computers, the things in common terminology refer to physical, mechanical, electronic, electro-mechanical objects etc. The major appeal of IoT stems from the transformation of everyday wear such as glasses, watches to even clothes into "smart wearables" with an embedded IoT solution.

IoT Device Properties - Pervasive, Network Identity, Internet Gateway Access, Programmable, Analytics and Insights

The broad spectrum of IoT applications are now classified by analysts into three customer categories - consumer, business or enterprise and government.
  • Apple Watch, Nest Thermostat and Philips Hue Lighting,  are examples of consumer solutions.
  • AT&T's smart metering solution for Maersk container shipping is an example of an industrial solution. 
  • Large scale transportation connectivity and smart city solutions are examples of a government or public solution. 

IoT is more than just the wiring and novelty of intelligent devices. The real value lies in aggregation of data, development of semantic web and machine to machine interaction with built-in context. Many other simultaneously occurring developments such as big data, analytics, artificial intelligence and location aware technologies have transformed the way fast moving, real time information can be interpreted and acted upon. With advances in mobile broadband and cloud computing, the smallest of sensors can interaction in real time and apply complex decisions by evaluating factors ranging from local to a global context.

To summarize, an IoT application
  • Is event driven and can respond to events in real time.
  • Is able to communicate and process based on situational context such as its environment, geo-location in addition to an Internet identifier.
  • Has semantic-interoperability - a home identifying itself and connected sensors within, all of which can communicate with and be controlled by a common app on a tablet or mobile phone.
  • Is able to interact on a larger scale in the connected ecosystem i.e. a small sensor, connected to a domotics or home automation, which connects to the smart city grid, all via the Internet.
  • Leverage data and analytics to respond to events in a large scale environment.

The second post in this series looks at IoT technologies and current risks and challenges in IoT development.